Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Which teacher is the best of all?

Which teacher is the best of all????
and which teacher is the worst of all~
pls write down ur criticism pls ty ^^
i wan to hear ur unprofessional criticism~

Monday, February 16, 2009

The 3G blog new link~

This is a new blog link for 3G blog~
Starting from 8.33 pm 16th of february 2009

Warning to those who wan to view 3G blog!

Those entering 3G blog mus kindly reveal ur identity to ensure harmony in our beloved 3G blog

Sincerely~Seh Kia~

Sunday, February 15, 2009

3G classmates~

Since 3G blog started describing us,the student of 3G,i thought to do the same thing..
i know i know i am a copycat so forgive me k ^^
If there was any insultation pls inform me and seeking forgiveness if i insulted u in any other way ^^
Alexius~A person who is cool yet calm
Alistair~Hmm...wad to say?Taukenioh XDXD jus kidding
Alvin Tan~Friendly...Too friendly to be exact
Angeline~A jolly girl good friend of azeelia
Audrey Liew~Anime freak wad else i can say?
Audrey yap~always hav a serious look......but pretty...
Azeelia~Talkative good friend of angeline
Belinda~Weird and joyful
Edmund Boon Poh Leong~Good artist also an anime freak and cute..very very cute
Brendan~Quiet but inside a good person waiting to be unleashed
Cindy~Pro chess player (she represented kuching before!)
Cheryn~Quiet too (heard shes a good writer)
Chriseva~From Indonesia but English accent like from european country
Claudia~Smart yet funny
David Bong~Intelligent and cool
Felicity~o.0~Future PBSM commander,short yet joyful
Felix~a straight forward guy...and straight....i mean it...
Gabriel~Pro tennis player
Ian~Learned the self art of defense of wushu (DUN MESS WITH HIM)
Irving~Quiet....the kuai kuai boy of class 3G to describe....weird????ya really weird???
Ivan~Genuine science freak 100%
Jacqueleen~Suprised me..thought new girl quiet but she is extremely talkative no offense
Julia~Good badminton player AJK of badminton club~
Juliana~hm...funny...extremely a cute giggling smile~
Justine~JUSTIRISER XDXD jus kidding a jolly person~
Kueh Ching Han~The tallest boy in class......(How did he get so tall????)
Kuhan~Doctor's handwriting XDXD he's black too
Leroy~Responsible for all his action~Born to be a leader~
Liew Pei Ying~Head student of unruly 3G~(How can she handle all of that stress?)
Liew Yi Ping~Quiet......and anime freak >.<
Louisa Dubah~Friendly yet cruel sometimes (Only to me)
Nehemiah~A good person (I think)
Noel~He knows the plan to conquer the world~an extremely imaginative person~science freak
Raffael~Seh kia
Ranjitham~Good girl~her pinch hurts so dun mess with her (do i even folo my own advice)
Ronald~The unruly person of 3G~ has a kind heart~
Sam Liew~Computer genius~
Sean Wee~Born to be an artist~good in drawing robots~
Stephanie Dores~Short but she has mastered the technique of making ppl laugh instantly~
Stephanie Seng~Future PBSM commander oso~Tall and shouldnt be messed with
Sylvester Yong~Kind,caring wad else can i say???TALL???yeah he is tall~
Tan Tzy Ying~A sane person~
Tan Xian Yao~hes cute in some odd kind of way~cousin of Gabriel~
Timothy a dirty sort of way...
Timothy Ethan~Quiet oso but hes a good person~
Valerie~Helpful and friendly
Vannessa~The assisstant of 3G head student~Responsible~
Voon Hian Ing~Funny and serious~Know how to make jokes~
Yu Soon Hang~Smart and friendly yet serious in study

Thats all the student in 3G all 51 of them ^^

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Pls support 3G blog!

everyone from 3G mus folo 3G blog its great
The link=

Hi all~